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That seems like the MO of the Bush crowd. Posted by: James at October 1, 2003 12:02 AM So, remind me again what system works SO much better? Capitalism has tupac shakur mp3 never had corrupt leaders or wars with people dead because of it I suppose? Capitalism is an exeriment that works so damn well? For the privileged it works like a charm, not so for the tupac shakur mp3 rest of the world I think. Posted by: DanAustin at October 1, 2003 12:48 AM It's the old saying, capitalism sucks, but its better than anything else we've tried. And we don't have tupac shakur mp3 pure capitalism, nor would I argue for it. But my frequent run ins with communists and socialists of different stripes have shown a group pretty intent on having a pure form of government -- my analogy, as I mentioned above, is similarly applicable to supply siders, et al.