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| or Any way you slice it, the carol kane choice between Jeeves carol kane and Ask is a real Diller pickle. Friday, May 27th, 2005 | Snark Hunting | Comments (0) The Igor Naming and Branding Meta Blog Igor’s Naming and Branding Meta Blog is here, aggregating posts from the other blogs published by Igor: Snark Hunting and Wordlab. Other sources may be added in the future, but for now there’s lots here to chew on as we work to obsessively scrutinize, analyze and proselytize the world carol kane of naming and branding and our philosophy of what makes powerful names work. Thursday, May 26th, 2005 | Igor | Comments (0) Potty talk: the WTO and positive brand image source: Snark Hunting Protesters are always dumping on the WTO, so we thought we’d take a moment to celebrate the valuable work this organization does.