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Not good. Hemoglobin, for those unaware, is a complex on red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen from your lungs to the tissues in your body. i 2 pac dead Without enough of it, you're not getting enough oxygen. Here's a wiki entry for a deeper explanation. Anyhow, no explanation why. The doctor discontinued his heparin and asked me to put SCuDS on his legs. SCuDS are sequential compression devices, basically these cuffs that go around your calves and periodically inflate and deflate. i 2 pac dead The idea is that they promote return of venous blood to the heart and prevent thrombus (clot) formation. i 2 pac dead Heparin also tries to prevent clot formation in the blood, especially for those spending lots of time in bed who are most at risk, but through pharmaceutical means. That was it for the resident's orders so I suggested perhaps we reduce the rate of fluid he's getting a little bit. That could be contributing to his falling Hgb. She looked at me, initially like I'd just peed on her couch, but then just as quickly recovered and said "Yeah, good idea.