by francesca lia block, slanderous, cooper, girl power, harbingerjournal, igor, insult, artist, links, bill clinton, true story, bush, literary, bfg9000, curbyour enthusiasm the complete fourth season, makaveli video, laura bush, awol, snoop,
This lasted for playing the dozens over an hour. Also, it was probably about 3:30 in the morning playing the dozens when this was happening. I’m guessing that I probably shouldn’t tell this story on a first date, but I’m trying to give playing the dozens you a little insight into the mind and life of a really, really, really bad writer. You’re welcome. But I’m back in NYC to the comfort and safety of my apartment. I missed the little things about my life here in NYC: the way my heat in my apartment only turns on after midnight and then makes the room temperature rise very quickly to about 85 degrees, causing my body to go into shock; the thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people on the streets in my neighborhood who are determined to walk very slowly in front of me, stopping suddenly for unknown reasons so I can walk into their backs; the way a sandwich and a gatorade costs $11; the fried chicken wing/rotting garbage smell that permeates my neighborhood even though it’s 15 degrees out; my 8×10 bedroom, filled with stuff I haven’t even unpacked from my