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Typically, my family and friends summer there, but in the winter, there ain’t much going on. I went down there because my aunt and uncle 2 pac change have a lil’ place down 2 pac change there and I needed to get away from the distractions of NYC (read: craigslist’s “casual encounters” section). The good news: it worked. I managed to get a lot of work done. You’d be surprised how industrious you can be when you have no internet, no friends, and not even any contact with other humans to occupy your time. [Confession: I did get internet for a little bit when I was down there. On Saturday evening, I suddenly was able to piggyback someone’s wireless signal. It was probably one of the top five moments of my life. I immediately went onto MySpace to search for girls living in the Wildwoods to invite them for some hanky-panky.