culture: humor and satire, pat hamilton, celebrity, huessin, james legros, mark wahlberg, group hug, salons, oedipus, tooshort — ( somethin to ride to lyrics ), richard linklater, jarhead(full screen), stories, khadafi, news for grownups, charlize theron, independent artists, wiley wiggins, interviews, invented names, david steinberg, makaveli cd,
Latino America is a huge colony of countries whose presidents are cowards in the face of economic imperialism. You see, rap third world countries are rich places, abundant in resources, and many of these countries have the capacity to feed rap their starving people and the children we always see digging for food in trash on commercials. But plutocracies, in other words a government run by the rich such as this one and traditionally oppressive European states, force the third world into buying overpriced, unnecessary goods while exporting huge portions of their natural resources. I’m quite sure rap that people will look upon my attitude and sentiments and look for hypocrisy and hatred in my words. My revolution is born out of love for my people, not hatred for others. You see, most of Latinos are here because of the great inflation that was caused by American companies in Latin America.