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And I won’t get the former done while procrastinating. My procrastination comes in many forms. The latest avenue graf of fucking around was so intense, I couldn’t go it alone. I had to drag an innocent bystander in and force him to co-sign. Actually, graf there was no force involved. He willingly agreed which makes me think he too is insane. I was browsing around the Internet looking for the lyrics to that R. Kelly song Homie Lover Friend. Why, you ask. It’s all a part of graf the procrastination process. We may never know why. In doing that, I was brought to a link for Now, I had stumbled onto this site a year ago, browsed around, got scared and never went back. Til the other day. I was having a very emotional day, a day where I felt like I needed to change the world. Oprah was on in the background. She has that power over me. Wait, let me back up a second.