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Red Dragon though? How dave eggers you gonna put glass in people’s eyes? So yeah, picking a pot-selling lady with pretty hair was the best route. Sprite picked a killer. That fool is brave. Procrastination is about to dave eggers cost him his life. Umhmmm. dave eggers (Ooooooooooooh, it ain’t my fault. Did I do that?) Posted by melissah at April 30, 2004 02:07 PM Comments Post a comment Name: Email Address: URL: Remember Me? YesNo Comments: feminist blogs independent alternatives to the malestream media poetry blogging archives « Previous 01 December 2005 i love immortal technique from ms. b @ volsunga 01 Dec 2005 9:52 am [poetry blogging] [ socialism] “Most of my Latino and black people who are struggling to get food, clothes and shelter in the hood are so concerned with that, that philosophising about freedom and socialist democracy is usually, unfortunately beyond their rationale.