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Like, negotiating with the mother. That would fuck be, uh, interesting. Yes, very, uh, interesting. From a journalist's point of view, of course. Horrible from the human point of view. Just horrible! JESUS IS [sic] What exactly does John Dolan want Russian literature to be, aside from limp-wristed nihilism that is? He has it fuck in his head that practically every tale ever told is a cringe-inducing derivative of a global Christological conspiracy, not unlike fuck the collective chest-beating his crass Irish-American ethnic compatriots call their history. If I am to understand this correctly (for after all I do read the eXile so that I may learn) martyrdom, suffering and such are necessarily a paean to our Christian heritage\identity. I know you people like to get your kicks from skirting with crypto-fascism, but if you are going to issue edicts on the quality of the literature we should be reading then could you make it a little less arbitrary.