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Not like anything will happen -- we'll just stare at her and giggle and talk about what we'd like to do to her if we had the guts. And while you're at makaveli 2 it, give your mother to the Albanian fellow above. He sounds pretty horny, especially for Russian MILFs. JONESING HARD Hi, I'm about to make my first visit makaveli 2 to Moscow. I'm from New York. I'm learning the culture makaveli 2 in advance by reading your brilliant newspaper. And on reviewing your recent issues, a question arose: Coming in mid-September, will I have missed snapper season? Bob Jones Dear Mr. Jones, First of all we want to say that we are all big fans of your university. It's a wonderful institution that is terribly misunderstood. About Snapper Season: sorry Bob, it's already over. Which is a shame, because several young Russian girls were sending us emails and calling our offices saying that they were hoping Snapper Season would last beyond September 1st, and how they hoped to meet any sad middle-aged American named Bob, but that given the fact that the 1st had passed, they'd all packed their snappers back up into their winter gear.