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the editors decided to shorten the letter -- Ed.] [...] anal cavity [...] support prostitution [...] moldy slit morons [...] paramecium sized brain like Burgland's [...] ruthless slave traders [...] Moreover, the concept that a woman's body is rock not a commodity to be bought and sold like so many pork-bellies is only an Anglo-Saxon 20th century, phenomenon. In the East, mothers routinely sell their daughters to men they have never met according to a rock financial contract rock where these girls are forced to spread their legs, bear children, and shut up about it. [...] Mark, please continue your series of "Whore-R Stories." Not only do you give flesh and blood to the faceless working girls of Russia, but we men who inhabit the real world understand how dangerous it is to ask a naked girl a her life story. Sincerely, Amber Burgland's boyfriend, Justin. Dear Mr. Justin, How dare you talk about womyn as if they WANT to be used for sex.