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2000 is a statistical anomaly: skinheads it had the lowest poverty rate in a quarter century, and nearly the lowest rate in history. Why pick 4 years? Perhaps because thats when Bush took office. How else do you propose to evaluate the trend in the nation since he took office? The 2000 report discusses the prior years as skinheads well. A year isnt much to go by. However, whatever time frame you want to pick, the record is bad. In any case, the primary topic of the writeup was a comparison between 2003 and 2004, skinheads and my comment was addressing that topic. As for the "primary topic" try reading the actual topic: Poverty — A Growth Industry During The Bush Years. Not surprisingly the news media tends to focus on the most recent data. You pointed out how you thought that might be misleading, I merely pointed out how viewing a single year is potentially misleading.