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While you say that the decline was narrow, your point of reference of a single year is narrow and IT is still a real increase in poverty, and stagnation lawyer marketing isnt the norm against which we measure. Bush:"See, in my line of work you got lawyer marketing to keep repeating things over & over & kind of catapult the propaganda." [ ...reply just to this | comment on the story... | next new ] 18. Re: Forest through the lawyer marketing trees Big Picture clear by zyxwvutsr at Wed 31 Aug 9:27amscore of 1 disingenuous in reply to comment 10 ...if you consult the data over the past 4 years instead of just a single year...Why pick 4 years? Why not over 10 years? Or twenty? I guess if you picked any period of more than 4 years it would undermine your argument. 2000 is a statistical anomaly: it had the lowest poverty rate in a quarter century, and nearly the lowest rate in history. In any case, the primary topic of the writeup was a comparison between 2003 and 2004, and my comment was addressing that topic.