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He isn’t doing that though. He’s a businessman himself- you really expect him to act any differently? He’s buying six billion dollars worth of drugs and contributing to their development. Sure, the pharma companies are gonna profit. So are the Africans. Pharma’s gonna doom profit anyway, no matter what- so if some people are getting helped out of the whole deal, that’s good enough for me. I’m not idealistic enough to hope doom for much better; this is the world we doom live in, after all. Snark @ 02/01/06 12:13:31 So let me get this straight, he’s being hypocritical for using his own money to buy drugs from companies he invests in? How does that work? Methinks maybe it’s because if he buys a shitload of drugs, the stock price increases, and he gets back about $20,000 (at most) of his $6,200,000,000 initial investment.