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to buy drugs for the dying people of africa? TCS (and Shogo) – I see your point but it is still a hypocritical gesture to donate money to buy TRIPS-protected drugs that you own stock in for jacked-up prices. sisyphus @ 02/01/06 12:01:39 This IDC study reviews the growth of the overall client and server operating environments markets during 2004 and provides a shipment and installed base forecast through 2009. ‘The transition 2 pac picture gallery of Linux server operating environments from a high-volume, low-value product over to a higher-price, lower-volume 2 pac picture gallery product line has driven the overall sales of Linux SOEs down and 2 pac picture gallery has led to a substantial increase in Windows market share during 2004 and 2005,’ said Al Gillen, research director, System Software. ‘IDC’s forecast calls for a 2004–2009 CAGR of 10.2% for server operating environments and a 7.1% CAGR for client operating environments, with Windows dominating both sides of the market.’