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The final straw was her getting a piano. And taking lessons from one of my friends who she ended up fucking on a second had couch in our by sue kolinsky basement. That damn song she played. That damn song over and over and over. The same by sue kolinsky keys, the same screw-ups, the same clunked notes, the same the same the same. The fucking my friend. There was that too. When I held his penis out of by sue kolinsky spite some months later I looked at him while he was sucking my neck and said: ha! You’ve had this thing inside my mother, and he lost it there in my palm, shrunk away from me, out of my room into his car and then away. She slashed his tires and so I had to move out. Had to. And now, here she is, at this grocery store I know so well because I worked there for two years carrying bags of food to trunks of cars, so here she is at this same place calling me before her dinner, a dinner I know will make her weak stomach sick, she is calling to say she is only hours away and here I am with the suitcase in the corner and the door bolted firm now, here I am and there she is and what?