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Not so sure. (RMDan) 08/09/03, 14:05What's coming next: from katellis' forum post (squeakycoconut) 06/23/03, 22:36I put in a vote for wiping out the whole vice president family.The gene pool would thank us.n/t (HalfShadow) 06/23/03, 22:52Is there any way we can get these people declared vice president "enemy combatants?" (Mobile Suit Goddamn) 06/24/03, 00:48RE: What's coming next: from katellis' forum post (TGS) 06/23/03, 23:15Quality family time! (ZBX) 06/24/03, 15:42Holy God, it just GETS WORSE vice president (Ethanno) 06/24/03, 16:19GOD DAMMIT! WHY CAN'T MY PREDICTIONS BE WRONG!? [NT] (squeakycoconut) 06/24/03, 19:12Fuck. (Cap'n Profan!ty) 06/24/03, 22:31RE: Fuck. (Hymen Wreck) 06/25/03, 02:57RE: Quality family time! (Drongo) 06/24/03, 23:16 A Sometimes Never Mother By Tara Wray more about this author email this story print this story She is on a payphone at a grocery store and it sounds like she is one million miles away.