lyric, pinup, jamie foxx, playing the dozens, independent artists, slander, rap city, auctions, stupid games, tupac, put downs, christin hinojosa,, jarhead(widescreen edition), company names, zoe records, mandana beigi, luana anders, tupac music video, by beth lapides, tupac greatest hit lyric,
You need at least two of said service jobs at cut-rate pay, and it's not likely that you'll break even then. It's not that employers aren't filling the jobs; it's that they're filling them in urban a way urban that saves them the most money possible because the cost of living keeps the urban advantage in the hands of the employers. It always amazes me when politicans decry class wars on TV when it's been waged for ages and this continues to prove that it goes on, without much comment. "I beg to differ, and on the contrary, I agree with every word that you say." - Green Day [ ...reply just to this | comment on the story... | next new ] 50. Poverty, by who's list? by skeeter1 at Wed 31 Aug 12:32pmscore of 1 According to this list in today's Cleveland Plain Dealer, Cleveland has moved up from the most impoverished big city last year to 12th this year.