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Adjusting for inflation, makaveli lyric the Vietnam War cost the US taxpayer a little over $600 billion. The current cost of operations in Iraq is tagged at $5.5 billion per month. By comparison the monthly cost of Vietnam was about $5.1 billion. Thus we contemplate sinking close to a trillion dollars into the Iraqi tarpit. makaveli lyric Money which could have been used for education, infrastructure, and, oh, I don't know, waging a real war on terrorism. It's nice to see our "War President" is keeping with his program of discovering yet another "real reason" why we're fighting, dying, and spending makaveli lyric ourselves silly in Iraq — it's all about keeping the oil away from terrorists. Hey, back when the reason was WMDs or democracy or something else, wasn't he rejecting the notion it was ever about the oil? [ ...reply just to this | comment on the story...