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Show her hilary gilford you know the literary devices and such. [20:02] Yourefamous: Have I wretched this hard since college? [20:03] Yourefamous: This is what I asked myself as I read the post by the thinky waitress from LA. [20:03] Paris Hilton: Nice. [20:03] Yourefamous: , but I said it in spanish. [20:03] Yourefamous: I don’t even know spanish, so I assumed I was dreaming. [20:03] Yourefamous: That’s when it hit me. [20:03] Yourefamous: END [20:04] Yourefamous: Maybe I’ll hilary gilford just cut and paste this whole conversations [20:04] Paris Hilton: But if she’s hot, I don’t want her to hilary gilford think I’m mean. Then she’ll never do me. [20:04] Yourefamous: why is I’m in stars? [20:05] Yourefamous: IS that a literary device? [20:05] Yourefamous: I got the mushrooms [20:05] Yourefamous: I have to go mist them [20:05] Paris Hilton: You have to take care of mushrooms?