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This is the most sick, f'n racist crap I have EVER, EVER SEEN!!!!! After killing thousands in other countries who defended themselves, you makaveli 2000 wouldn't mind seeing thousands more die here would you? As long as it wasn't you. Just admit it, then you'll be so much more relaxed! Doug COMMENT #296 [link] ...jesusland joe said makaveli 2000 on 9/1/2005 @ 8:35pm PT... Rebel POW,The morons who normally post here have hit the trail. They left braindead Doug to man the makaveli 2000 trenches, and he was no more use than a levee against a Cat 5 hurricane.These people are a pathetic pack of losers. COMMENT #297 [link] ...ME said on 9/1/2005 @ 8:37pm PT... Goodnight MMIIXX, I have to get to bed now, East Coast time you know. I will be up bright & early tomorrow helping to organise supplies to be sent to the relief effort by my church. Hope your day will also be spent usefully, charitably, & helpfully to someone in need. COMMENT #298 [link] ...MMIIXX said on 9/1/2005 @ 8:39pm PT... JESUSLAND JOEWhy was the funding cut on the levees and by who ?