The title, "Kamakura Buddhism: bryan gordon makaveli video

mandana beigi, applications, contemporary, comedy video, anti fascism, makaveli video, true stories, dirty t shirts, name and tagline, tupac shakur lyric, david bluestein, harbinger productions, contemporary singer/songwriter, kadafee, thelast detail, your racism disgusts me COMMENT #294 [link] ...Don said on 9/1/2005 @ 8:32pm PT... Doug,I AM a expert on my people. bryan gordon Black and from Compton, remember?And no, I don't expect them to be like me. I just expect them to behave themselves in an emergency as bryan gordon well as they can. I would expect them to do what they needed to to survive, as bryan gordon I would you. I do not think shooting at rescue helicopters increases the chance for a air rescue; sort of defeats the purpose. Nor do I think rape enhances the chance a woman aid worker will feel comfortable around you.Doug, two things I learned in the military: always remember who you are and what you represent, and when the action is over you WILL be held to account for you actions.
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The makaveli video title, "Kamakura Buddhism: A Response to the Emperor's Loss of Power."WOW... makaveli video THAT certainly proves that those damn Red State people surely must die, right?Keep it up moron, I'll fact check you all night. COMMENT #292 [link] ...THS said on 9/1/2005 @ 8:32pm PT... You are sick people to think the way you do. No wonder democrats are losing elections. I should be happy to see you self destruct but as an American, makaveli video it saddens me... deeply. COMMENT #293 [link] ...bob said on 9/1/2005 @ 8:32pm PT... Doug,maybe, if you recall from my previous post, we are a republic & people are free to make thier own choices as to leave or notwhy do you seem to think that the african americans aren't smart/strong/whatever enough to make thier own decisions with out having the gov. tell them what to do?again
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