amnesia, angel, administration, gilda radner, henry calvert, criticism, religion, movies, jason o. smith, jacob vargas, literature, juice, girl, insult wavs,
BUT... if you think Kerry would have brought America out of this hole and somehow stopped the hurricane with his powers of utter boredom, your nuts and should be locked up. Its so easy to blame Bush for everything that is wrong. But anyone who has a branding clue knows that our branding economy fluctuates over a 4 to 6 years period. Much of what we are suffering with is aftermath from branding Clinton and all the wonderful things liberals like to associate Clinton with were by products of Bush Sr COMMENT #181 [link] ...steve said on 9/1/2005 @ 4:36pm PT... What an utter crock. Surely flood control is a city iss ue or at most a state issue. Let Louisiana pay for levee development etc. Enough with the rich vs. poor nonsense. Go George. You rock.Vancouver Steve COMMENT #182 [link] ...jpentz said on 9/1/2005 @ 4:37pm PT... Actually, 77 million was cut by the federal government, and wetlands were allowed to be destroyed that would have lessened the damage. The levy needed help and the US Army Corps of Engineers couldn't do anything.