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Pull yourself interviews out of the gutter and act like a real man. COMMENT #168 [link] ...John said on 9/1/2005 @ 4:12pm PT... The sad thing is that the author likely believes himself to be heroic for his "dissent." This article is a tantrum and not a terribly interesting one. I am mostly upset with myself for allowing myself to read it, knowing that it was going to be off the rails.Mr. interviews Cannon, I won't swear at you or insult you. I'd merely like you to ask yourself if you would say "they interviews deserve to suffer and to die" to an actual person from New Orleans. If you wouldn't actually say it to a live person, then maybe it's time to dial down the rhetoric a tad. COMMENT #169 [link] ...unirealist said on 9/1/2005 @ 4:16pm PT... WOW! Who dropped the cherry bomb in the toilet?At least now we know what we're up against. Holy cow, there's a lot of ignorant right-wingers!