"Its like wearing a whitehouse.gov videos

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"Its videos like wearing a shirt with a Japanese flag that says we rocked in WWll." Or like strutting videos around in an increasingly pluralistic, Third World Amerikwa wearing a shirt that says "United We Stand". add your comments Mrs. by Allyson • Thursday September 25, 2003 at 04:59 PM I'm from the North. What were you fighting for? The right to videos own slaves? Don't glorify the confederacy. add your comments Alysson the Leftist Borg by bill moyers • Thursday September 25, 2003 at 05:15 PM What a typical knee-jerk reation from a Leftist who knows nothing of History. And there's nothing "glorious" about a Yankee. Far from it. And don't give us the sewage that Democraps care about blacks, when Republicans pushed the Civil Rights Act through, 92 percent compared to 62 percent of Democraps.
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