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shakur, photos, shamings, state case law, tom dicillo, band, cole hauser, poems, fuck, khmer, napolean, catherine keener, Fucking awesome. Darkbuster did there set catherine avril morris and they sounded great. Donny helped on Skinhead, singing Ken Casey's part. It was like you couldn't tell the difference. Props to you Donny Boy !! After the show, we went to the pub down the street for a few. Amy got fries, which in no way caused us to leave Portland later than planned. We said our goodbye's and headed home. The ride back, it should be noted, was catherine avril morris totally peaceful. Nothing weird happened catherine avril morris at all. Monday morning and I was being picked up at The Walpole Mall again. This is not the mall that Steven Tyler chooses to shop at, but I still dig it. Lotta memories at that mall, lotta Orange Sherberts and cigs.
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He had his wife Vicki and son Keith with him. Excellent people. They said they have a 4 year old who listens to Darkbuster as well. When I was 4 I was not poems listening to Darkbuster. Anyway, getting to hang and drink with them on Sunday was truly a pleasure and it made everyone's day even more fun. Guns on the poems Run opened the show. They were really cool, and they were followed by The Pub Crawlers. Fantastic !! Born to Lose took the stage next and rocked our poems tube socks off. Far From Finished went 4th and to nobodys surprise, truly kicked some serious Rock and Roll Ass ! Great fucking band !!! Oh and I forgot to tell you, the club had swings which I had never seen. I mean, I've seen swings, but not in a club.
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