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shakur, photos, shamings, state case law, tom dicillo, band, cole hauser, poems, fuck, khmer, napolean, catherine keener, After dropping off Jane, the 5 of us headed to Maine, Portland Maine that is. We got there and immediatly ran into friends from president Far from Finished and Born to Lose. Born to Lose is now the second band to be mentioned more than once in the Darkbuster tour diaries. (We played with them president in Dallas, Texas a few months back.) The Dropkicks would be the first. So Congrats to Born to Lose on being one of 2 bands to have been mentioned more than once. We president started drinking with these guys and it was a blast. Someone played Wheel in the Sky on the Jukebox and everyone was pumped. Then Donny Boy showed up and we were all like "Yo Donny Boy, what's up?" He's a good friend from Canada and he likes to booze.
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Cheap beer and skeetball and a good jukebox with plenty cole hauser of cool people inside. It should be noted that on cole hauser the way there, while looking for a parking spot, Gurley thought he saw one and said "Over there, on the right !" as he pointed to the left. Amy was the one who noticed this. She is very good with her lefts and her rights. Right on Amy !! We left Aces after like an hour cole hauser and Jane drove us home. Danny, Jane and Amy all stayed at my place that night. When we got there I gave them beer and Cheese Nips and BBQ Fritos. They met Phil who it seems was high on the Pot. Anyways, we watched Arrested Development, (the one with the one armed guy who teaches lessons to the Bluth Children) and got to bed around 3 or 4 or 5 or something like that. The next morning we were to meet at the Space at 9am. The four of us got there 20 minutes late. I was the 4th most reponsible for this. But it didn't matter cus Lenny and Gurley weren't mad at all. I don't even think they noticed.
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