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jsut totrack u down in case ur a mother mp3 tupac shakur fackin' liar.i dont really want my account to be stolen thatwud not be cool cus i work hard on my account idont want some betches like u to steal it. alrightman i thin ive said enought peace out. (p.s ADD MEif ur foreal)29dawnI support this petition. runescapeshould be for free. members are scamming nonmember people. nonmember people works mp3 tupac shakur just as hardas the non member. just being a a non member issort of a mp3 tupac shakur waste of time because I (we) do notacommplish anything. beside we are just kids andwe cant afford trying to pay for the service. weare talking about kids that are under age. i dontsee why that we should be charge. we are notadults we dont have credit cards. runescape is noteven all that the graphics are terrible. olderpple do not have time to play runescape like myself im too busy with my school.