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You see, I am trying to raise moneyfor-Enough said , said Mr Anderson. It would begreat if you would paint my porch!! there is paintin the garadge! Mrs.Anderson wikipedia:requestsfor comment/plautus satire then said to wikipedia:requestsfor comment/plautus satire herhusband, do you think she knows that the porchgoes all around the house? i mean, that may be alot of paint. "Well sure! She was standing onthe porch anyway!" Said Mr.Anderson. "itmight take a while, but I am sure we have enoughpaint!" In only 20 minutesshe came back and said " Im finished!! Andthere is paint left over." wikipedia:requestsfor comment/plautus satire Mr. Anderson said, " Did you paint thewhole porch?" Yah. And by theway, ....Thats a Porsche, not a porch.." This blonde walks into a hardwarestore and asks the guy at the cashier,"Can Ibuy that microwave?" He replies,"No imsorry we don't sell to blondes." So shegoes home and dies her hair green.She