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If you can believe such a thing. That I have a mother. Who uses payphones outside a grocery store in a funny state called Virginia. nude She says through static and nude rusty buggy wheels, that she is going in for Chinese takeout, inside this grocery store, though the last time she ate there she told me it felt like nude a chicken carcass hatched worms inside her belly. Her mood is up, it is a good mood, better than most moods, so I do not tell her, do not remind her of this food fact. If she tries to stay too long I will tell her the place is not fit for occupation. If she says I haven’t let her in since I left home I will say that I am eating popcorn, and what was that last part? If she asks why it is I am spending the holidays alone I will mumble something about money and beer and she will laugh because she will think I am being silly. Then she will say, no, seriously, why? She has been on a Greyhound for thirty-six hours. She says last night she slept better than she’s slept in months.
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