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Officer Krieger: Go fuck yourself! Blade: [draws his big boss gun] Fuck me? big boss No, you fuck this! [Blade reaches for his gun. Frost lifts the little girl into the air] Deacon Frost: Careful! Blade: What do I care? They're nothing but cattle, just like you said. Deacon Frost: If you want to take the hard road out, be my guest, pal. But I promise you, when this is over, you're gonna wish they never cut you from your mother's womb. Frost: I heard you've been looking for me. I'm flattered. Blade: It'll pass. Deacon Frost: What? Your serum? big boss Can't help you now, stud. [Blade pins Quinn to the wall with his silver spikes] Blade: Quinn. I'm gettin' a little tired of choppin' you up. Thought I might try fire for a change.
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