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Further masturbation. Planning a marine's first meal on return home. Imagining what a marine's girlfriend and her man Joey are doing in the alley or in a hotel bed. Cortez: This is what life is about, boys! Fowler: She's a big bitch, Cortez! Cortez: She's not big, she's beautiful, and she's beautiful because she's pregnant! That's what anthony rapp life is about. anthony rapp Troy: I love it out here, this is anthony rapp what I want - 'cause I count for something. Back home, I'd be working some nowhere job, nobody'd even know I was alive. 'We burn the fat off our souls,'... Hemingway said that. Anthony 'Swoff' Swofford: A flashlight was a moonbeam. A pen was an ink stick. My mouth was a cum receptacle. A bed was a rack. A wall was a bulkhead. A shirt was a blouse. A tie was still a tie, and a belt a belt. But many other things would never be the same. [watching Apocalypse Now] Anthony 'Swoff' Swofford: Shoot that motherfucker!
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