Masturbation. Re-reading of letters sit 'n spin dave chappelle

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Masturbation. Re-reading of letters from unfaithful wives and girlfriends. Cleaning your rifle. Further masturbation. Re-wiring Walkman. Arguing about religion and meaning of life. Discussing in detail, every women the marine has ever fucked. Debating differences, such as Cupban VS Mexican, Harleys VS Hondas, left VS right-handed masturbation. Further cleaning of rifle. Studying the mail order dave chappelle bride catalogue. Further masturbation. Planning a marine's first meal on return home. dave chappelle Imagining dave chappelle what a marine's girlfriend and her man Joey are doing in the alley or in a hotel bed.Cortez: This is what life is about, boys!Fowler: She's a big bitch, Cortez!Cortez: She's not big, she's beautiful, and she's beautiful because she's pregnant!
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