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It supports the idea of “the new type of insurance.”‘ Everybody plotzed!” More of Blandor’s wisdom here. Friday, February 3rd, 2006 - 4:36pm | company names + industry insider | Comments (0) talk:motherfucker A Name of Shakespearean quality. Doh! Igor recently named a new audio talk:motherfucker company. The job required a name talk:motherfucker that would help them own the idea of sound, carry some excitement, and imply a bit of the ol’ European / Germanic hi-tech audio expertise brand equity. There was only one name that could capture all three of these ideas and that name is Zounds. From the Zounds website: Zounds was founded by Sam Thomasson, who has a hearing impaired daughter. When he would hug his daughter as a young girl, her hearing aids would squeal, causing pain to her.