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It was pretty much FEMA's fault because they are supposed to deal with these things. It was also the governor's fault because it sure seemed he didn't give a damn, and even the mayor's fault. If a hurricane that just fucked up the carribean is coming your way, what prose the hell do ya think your supposed to do?! Maybe evacuate the whole friggin' prose city! The mayor prose of New Orleans said God was punishing us for Bush's actions. If he is a catholic, he would know better than to say that shit. I read the Bible, and after the Noah's Ark incident, God declared he would never again affect humanity in a negative way. He would never murder people by his own will. I don't like Bush, but it wasn't all his fault. Your Comment on "Katrina: Yes, You CAN Blame Bush" Name: E-Mail: Website: {CLICK HERE for help adding links in comments & much more!}