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INSTEAD HE WAS BOPING AN INTERN IN THE WHITE HOUSE ON HIS FREE TIME.VALERY PLAME YA, wikipedia:requestsfor comment/plautus satire SHE WAS A REAL SECRET AGENT WITH HER HUSBAND RUNNING ALL OVER DC TELLING EVERY ONE MY WIFES WITH THE COMPANY. THE REAL QUESTION IS WHO DID'NT KNOW. IF THE WAR WAS ONLY FOR OIL WHERE IS THE OIL . wikipedia:requestsfor comment/plautus satire I SURE WISH wikipedia:requestsfor comment/plautus satire WE COULD STEAL SOME OF IT. THE ONLY THING I CAN BLAME BUSH FOR IS HE WON'T SHUT DOWN THE BORDER.SEMPER FI BRAD BECKER COMMENT #636 [link] ...Jane Pittman said on 12/22/2005 @ 4:42pm PT... While you are sitting there rolling another joint, there's a hundred thousand people working and living in New Orleans. We look to no single man or government for handouts. Take another hit and when you sober up, register your domain name with your real address so I can come to your house and take a crap on your lawn.