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There are faculty staff just too many people in this country who work full time jobs and still can barely make ends meet... there are too many people who realize that this could have happened to any faculty staff of them... And now that we have entered trying times, they will see just how they are regarded by our modern day Marie Antoinettes. And they will question the wisdom of faculty staff the current politcal fad and people like Grover Norquist. It happened after the flood in 1927, it will happen again.If I were a member of the Republican Party, I would be walking around in sackcloth and ashes right now instead of doing victory laps over the dead. COMMENT #572 [link] ...Anne said on 9/7/2005 @ 6:03pm PT... Attempts to sidestep federal accountability for needless deaths of American citizens in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina by calling it "the blame game" and pretending it's politics as usual totally miss the point.