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is speculation over the cutting of funding to the Army Corps of Engineers, yet, repeatedly, hip hop civil engineers from around the country have indicated that having the additional funding would not have prevented the levees from failing.-So many people targeting Bush for the hip hop racial injustice of the hurricane, especially when it comes to minorities portrayed in the press/media. I guess Bush created the weather AND convinced the media (who love him SOOOO much) to carry out his prejudice wishes.I see a lot of blame but no real answers. That is except hip hop to keep increasing taxes on those of us paying most of the taxes in the first place. Oh by the way... we also happen to be the ones donating most of the civilian assistance to the relief effort as well.It must be nice to be a democrat... no real ideas of your own, everyone else to blame for your troubles, and still be able to sleep at night (mostly because Bush has kept the terrorist war out of this country, no matter how much you want to bash the war on terror).