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If you are so eager for some one to die because of their politics, then do us all a favor and go kill yourself. Make yourself a martyr, you hateful nitwit. You in no way represent the principals of the party. I hope the next natural disaster devastates your family, like this last one devastated mine. Fuck you. COMMENT #373 [link] ...Glenn said on 9/2/2005 @ 5:07am PT... Wow. Came here from a link on The Corner. Where to begin?Let's start with my brethren, the "right-wingers", Republicans, VRWC et. al. Everybody wants a shot at condemning niggaz this niggaz post, niggaz but I want you all to harken back to the days of Clinton. Do you remember how derranged the right was in those days? How everything was Clinton's fault? Don't recall? Thank God for Google.What's the old Bible saying "Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"