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make me want to puke. COMMENT #370 [link] ...jes said on 9/2/2005 @ 3:09am PT... You people amaze me..You want to turn Katrina and the suffering of thousands into a political war. Gee, doesnt that help the survivors? No, it does not. As a republican and from Texas, we are bending over backwards to help as much as we can. Govt nate cannot do it all there are hundreds of thousands displaced, nate so that means ya better either get out your checkbooks or open your homes and either should be sufficient. Am I satisfied with the relief efforts? obviously not!! But the devistation is widespread with three states with no power or water. No one could be organized enough to handle that. I am not making excuses for Bush or govt. but you guys need to get a grip and you need to be more supportive of the people who are now suffering. They are not democrats nor republicans, they are people who have had no food and water and in desperate need of help.