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The alleged "hurricane" the reich-wingers are whimsically calling "Katrina" was actually caused by a micro-nuke planted in the ocean by a neocon warship. The plan was to give cover for hiking up the prices at the gas pump so the fuckwikipedia encyclopedia reference neocons could line their pockets at the expense of the poor working class.No doubt the Jews had something to do with it fuckwikipedia encyclopedia reference as well. Though even the cunning Jews are but pawns of the Illuminati, who are the real puppetmasters. COMMENT #211 [link] ...MrBlueSky said on 9/1/2005 @ 5:59pm PT... I know fuckwikipedia encyclopedia reference it may be hard for some of the LGF trolls to understand... however, we regulars at this blog are motivated by saving our democracy. Our motives are true. We truly believe that this republic is being threatened.I like to quote this line from the most recent Star Wars movie because it is so true and speaks to my own motive for being on this blog:"My loyalty is to the Republic....