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I bet you guys work very hard on this page, I'm sure it's very often updated and that must be why I'm still receiving letters commenting on something I posted a year ago. you think I'd be begging you to take it off. well, guess makaveli cd again, all of you makaveli cd asshole licking loosers can kiss my fat ass and eat shit. I'm perfectly proud for what I posted. Backstreet boys are gay and they will makaveli cd always be. (unless when they turn lesbian, of course) this site sucks ass (Editor: happy to oblige. Consider your idiotic comments updated) You Fucking Limey Faggot British Homo Mo I hate british motherfuckers bunch of pussy shit eating faggots more fuckwits! (Important legal disclaimer: all opinions stated are those of the individual authors and have been reproduced as received.) u75 home - news/blog - action - mag - photos - tech - rave - drugs - punch - football - brixton - london - new york - useless - boards - search - help/FAQs - copyright - u75 design - contact - donate .