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I am a pragmatic realist. War quotes and national defense is a nasty business. You say I don’t support the war but support the troops. You are full of crap. You know damn well the troops are the ones doing the dirty deeds, not the politicians, so you really do not support the troops. Get honest and quotes quit hiding. I respect honesty, not bullshit. (continued) Comment by Julian (a Vietnam Vet) — 2006-02-20 @ 3:04 pm (continued) Let’s take it one step further. You cannot support the troops as quotes that is an oxymoron when you say “I do not support the war but will support the troops. Lie, lie, lie you do. You do not have the guts to say you do not support the troops. Your hippie shit parents did have the balls to at least admit they held Vietnam Vets in utter contempt and were willing to throw blood, vomit and shit on them.