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i fatal HATE HER & HER FUCK STUPID VOICE. u NIGGER....DIE!.. (whoops! You must have meant to type: Malcolm Elms at Australian backpackers They are like cockroaches, once you've got them you can't get rid of them. They think that because we are subjected to soaps such as neighbours, we should love them and their 'we are gobby and lovable' attitude. In their own country they are not fatal too bad, but they should stop there and not venture out of their own country., er, that's your mom she's a fat knob who sucks fatal chickens arse she is gay who drinks pee. andre (Ed: Er, thanks for that STEPHEN GATELY (BOYZONE) CUS HE IS A GAY RETARD, I CANNOT STAND WHY PEOPLE CHOOSE TO BE GAY, AND GETTING SYMPATHY FOR IT IS WORSE THAN BEING.