million memoir. 03/10/06 From Joshua Micah Marshall's Talking Points Memo: I didn't know we'd be returning to this issue. But Mark Schmitt returns to social networking the question Yglesias and I have been knocking around -- is there a case that President Bush is the worst president ever?.... 03/20/06 July 29, 2003 "FUCK" VS. "APPLE PIE"....I admit it: social networking I have a weakness for the word "fuck." Today, via Unfogged, I learn of the 2003 Legal Document of the Year award from social networking The Smoking Gun, awarded to Colorado public defender Eric Vanatta for his brief in defense of a high school student accused of calling his principal "a fucker, a fag, and a fucking fag." It apparently so impressed the Smoking Gun judges that they decided to announce their winner even though, technically, there are five months left in the year. In his brief, Vanatta appeals to history, linguistics, popular culture, Google searches, legal opinion, and, finally, to appropriateness:Fuck is certainly a controversial word that may be appropriate in certain venues and locales (Florida Elections Commission, speed eating contests, public defender offices) and may be inappropriate in others (weddings, Chuck-E-Cheese pizza parlors, district attorney offices).