How did his influence assault traditional art

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How did his influence affect you? His work ethic was out of control. He’s eighty five years old, a World War II vet, he’s got a heart of gold, that’s traditional art where that comes from. The thing with the Black Label Society is they can pound on us but we’ll still get right back up. Because anybody can get knocked down, traditional art but it takes a set of balls to traditional art get the fuck back up though.     You may also be interested in the following articles: » CD: Nine Black Alps - Everything Is » B-Sides: Ten To Watch In 2006 » Feature: The Darkness: One Way Ticket » CD: Johnny Society - Coming to Get You » B-Sides: Ten Random Reviews and Artless Critiques » Feature: The Music - Redefining Loud   features :: reviews :: columns :: free music downloads :: news :: blog Site by Pixel Bridge   home :: about glide :: advertise :: link to us :: privacy policy :: contact us :: directory :: MySpace ©2002-2006 Glide Publishing LLC All Rights Reserved Glide Magazine is a trademark of Glide Publishing LLC   When Would Jesus Bolt?
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