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Four friends live together peter dinklage and hang out around peter dinklage L.A.: Vince is a DiCaprio-level star on the rise (though he's reportedly loosely based on producer Mark Wahlberg); Eric is his best friend, a smart kid trying to help peter dinklage him manage his career; and Turtle and Johnny Drama (Vince's has-been older half-brother) are the comic relief. Adding shards of garlic to the mix is Jeremy Piven as Ari, Vince's razor-tongued agent who, were he played by anybody other than Piven, would probably be too much to digest in such an otherwise tangy environment. In stark contrast to most HBO Sunday night shows ("Sopranos," "Six Feet Under," "Deadwood," all of which usually leave me feeling devastated and so much the better for it) this is bummer-free TV. The characters don't have to work, don't have to worry about money, have infinite free time and access to women and recreational misadventures. Even in those rare moments when they have an actual problem it's never really a pressing problem ("Eric, which movie should I do???").