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scene where Chad Palomino causes numerous stoppages in filming as he interjects his own thoughts about the scene, oblivious to irritated crew...finally, the scene involving talk:motherfucker a dream sequence, talk:motherfucker featuring one rather angry dwarf named Tito, who Nicole accidentally refers to more than once as `Toto'...Tito's objections to typecasting become apparent during a diatribe directed at Nick...'Have you ever had a dream with a dwarf in it? Do you know anyone who's had a dream with a dwarf in it? No! I don't even talk:motherfucker have dreams with dwarves in them!' advice? If you're an independent filmmaker, be wary of how you use dwarves in your films. The wide screen (1:85:1) picture provided on this DVD looks pretty good, and the audio is clear and crisp. Special features include an interview filmed before an audience with director DiCillo and Buscemi worth watching if you enjoyed the film.