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or for himself to be more conspicuously displayed or highlighted within the scene, with Nick usually acquiescing in an effort to assuage the biggest name associated with his film. Next there's Wolf (Mulroney), the completely pretentious and overly sensitive cinematographer gang related (beret and all) who's constantly second guessing Nick's perception gang related of how the scenes should be shot. Last, but not least is Nick's AD (assistant director) Wanda, played by von Zerneck. I've read where people thought her portrayal was over-acted, but I'd have to disagree. If gang related you've talked to anyone in the industry, they would probably tell you she acted exactly like an AD acts on the set of a film. She may have exaggerated her role a little bit, but most likely only because DiCillo instructed her AD is basically the director's liaison between the crew and sometimes the cast.