vincenzo amelia, bbs, sciforums, girl power, gang related, talk:motherfucker, pat metheny, george w bush, community art, hate, swear words, pop, matthew raposo, tupac shakur mp3, 2pac shakur makaveli, sit 'n spin, prince charles, brian and justin, peter dinklage, shawn andrews, marissa ribisi, ra, fick,
later that day i sat in an exam room waiting for dr. brown. when he entered i recognized dr. brown immediately, even though we had never been formally introduced. i had just begun dating a girl that had hilary gilford been the object of infatuation for many years. dr brown was her father. he quickly realized who i was also. "mike, drop your pants please, i will need to do an examination" crap. he proceeded to hilary gilford spend the next 5 minutes poking and prodding my wiggly bits. i feared many hilary gilford things in that 5 minutes. i feared the random ill timed teenage woody. i feared he could read my mind. i feared the topic of tonight's dinner conversation with his daughter would be the size and shape of my genitalia. i feared he might squeeze the jewels till i promised to never touch his daughter.